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Letter of The Heart- Why Does HOME Matter?

Can I tell you a story? When Graham and I got engaged, we had a whole plan on how we were
going to tell my parents. We were going to take them out to a nice dinner, and right after
everyone got their drinks (for toasting… obviously), we would break the news. They would
cheer and hug us, and the whole restaurant would join in the revelry. It was going to be
awesome! A moment we would never forget. Do you know where we ACTUALLY told them?
Their garage. They opened the garage door when we pulled onto the driveway, and we didn't
even make it in the house; we were so excited. In fact, I can tell you where I was for every
significant announcement or life event in the last 25 years, and the vast majority of them
were in a home. Ours, or our family's. It's where we have shared and announced and talked
about all the BIG things, whether it's a baby on the way (bathroom), a big birthday
celebration (dining room), or talking about our hopes and dreams for the future (bedroom). It
is where the hard things happen, too. I will never forget the way the sunlight came through
the window when we told our son, sitting on the couch, that his dog had just passed away. It
was the hardest thing to say to him, but I was so grateful to be in our own place. And when he
needed to cry, he went into his bedroom and did just that. Our life, all parts of it, happen in
our home. And if I may be so bold, I bet the same is true for you.

Knowing that your home is where you are living your lives, actually LIVING them, is why we
take our job so seriously. We know all the logical reasons why homeownership matters:
wealth accumulation, potential tax benefits, stability within the community… But that is not
what pushes us to start work early in the morning or to keep going late into the night (which I
wish happened in our perfectly lovely home office but often is at our dining table). The idea
that we are helping people set the stage for their life feels really important, to us. The
thought that you will have a beautiful, welcoming space for all the big life events gives us
purpose, and we work hard to make that happen. We know we can't guarantee it will all be
easy, but we can make sure it all happens in a space that you love and feel comfortable in.
Because where something happens is sometimes just as important as what happens. We
can't control the what, but the where… well, that's kind of our specialty.

Thanks for reading,
Kelly (+ Graham) Levine

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